Affiliation: Sentinel
Attack Animation: 0.467 /0.863
Damage: 46 - 56
Casting Animation:0.69 / 0.5
Armor: 2.68
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 300
Missile Speed:Instant
Attack Range:128 (melee)
Sight Range:1800 / 800
Although the Earthshaker is a strength hero, his real power lies in his spells. With a well-placed Echo Slam, Raigor can single-handedly level an entire team of enemies if they are foolish enough to bunch together. His Fissure spell is very versatile. While it deals decent damage along with a stun, it also creates an impassible wall of rock for several seconds. A skilled Earthshaker can use this to his advantage, blocking enemy movement and trapping hapless foes between a rock and a hard place. Enchant Totem gives him a significant damage boost for one attack, and his passive Aftershock ability causes a minor stun and damage effect under him every time he casts one of his spells. Although he is one of the more difficult heroes to use to his full strength, he is also one of the most deadly heroes in skilled hands.
In the barren-lands, tales spoke of tauren sages reaping the essence of dirt. Their consciousness melds with the brown beneath them. The loam becomes the conduit of their mental thought and reality. These warriors were feared for they could summon massive ruptures at their mere whim. So tremendous was their power that their magic leaks out of the earth violently with every spell. Sadly these sages mysteriously faded from the land. When the World Tree was threatened, couriers searched for these mighty ones but found just one. A young adept, Raigor Stonehoof, seeks battle to weave new tales of these shamans.
Slams the ground with the Raigor's mighty totem, causing the ground to crack open front of him, damaging opponents and leaving an impassable crevasse for a period of time.
- Damage type: magic
- Crevasse lasts 8 seconds
- AoE: 225
- Range - 1300
Fissure is ES's early game weapon of choice. Remember fissures aoe stun and damage is only half the beauty of this skill. From blocking enemies to saving his allies, Fissure can do it all and leave you feeling warm inside. Enemies downing a tower? Isolate one while your teammates beat down on him. Ally being chased down? Create a fissure between them!
Remember fissure has a slight cast time. Keep that in mind while trying to pull of those precise timing stuns. Some people argue that one level of fissure can suffice and to a degree they have a valid point. But nothing else ES can provide is more useful then leveling his stun.
ES is also an ideal roamer. Fissure is unique from most disables in the sense that a lot of its practicality can be obtained from just one point in the skill. A fissure block at level one can be just as useful as at level 4. This is in no way an advocacy for you to just get one point in fissure. The damage increase is a boon, its just a way of saying that ES is useful from the get go.
Enchant Totem
Empowers the totem resting on Raigor's back, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.
- Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute. Raw bonus damage is not increased.
- Bonus damage from this skill does not stack with the Double Damage rune.
- Lasts 14 seconds.
- If you are going to attack a unit but then you cancel it you will loose the bonus damage even if you didn´t damage any unit.
Enchant Totem is a very solid skill, though for reasons other than expected. While the damage bonus can seem like a lot, ES is not a physical dps machine. A single point will suffice to give you its valuable stun via aftershock. Thus only one point of enchant totem will be skilled until level 23 and the fact that stats will help you far more then a measly one hit with plus damage.
Furthermore as Enchant Totems damage is only enhanced by +stats items (i.e Heart which doesn't come till much later if at all) there is no real benefit to getting more than one point in this skill. Another problem with enchant totem is that it is hard to place without a blink dagger. No ones just gonna let you wade up to them and enchant totem. Once blink dagger is purchased this becomes a staple move in your combo.
The power of Raigor casting a spell causes the earth to shake below him, dealing additional damage and stunning.
- Damage type: magic
- Using items does not trigger Aftershock.
- The so underestimated skill, the reason Im making this guide.
Aftershock is the skills that gives ES his "perma-stun" reputation. All skills cast by ES now have an AOE around him to disable and damage the enemy. This gives totem and Echo Slam 1.5 second stuns and is integral to the disabling ES. As we are delaying leveling up totem we can skip out on taking this for a while. At level 10 ES has plenty of mana and possibly nearing blink thus making it a logical step to get that level in blink.
Echo Slam
Raigor sends shockwaves shooting through the ground, dealing damage and ricocheting to nearby targets for additional damage.
- Damage type: magic
- Will not damage ethereal units
- The initial damage will go through magic immunity, the additional damage will not.
- The initial damage is dealt in an AoE of 500 around Earthshaker
Echo slam. Your trademark ultra kill granting skill. Seeing a huge enemy push makes ES cry tears of joy. Blink in and let the magic begin. Echo slam generates damage from how many enemy units are in a close proximity. The greater the amount the higher the damage. This is what makes ES viable past early game and is skilled at 6, 11 and 16.
1. Fissure2. Aftershock
3. Aftershock
4. Enchant Totem
5. Aftershock
6. Echo Slam
7. Aftershock
8. Enchant Totem
9. Enchant Totem
10. Enchant Totem
11. Echo Slam
12. Fissure
13. Fissure
14. Fissure
15. Stats
16. Echo Slam
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Skill Build explanation:
This is the main reason I am making this guide so please I need you to read carefully, I am trying to make this as simple as possible because my english is not that good. Lets do some math here. let´s think you are a level 7 ES, a regular player will max fissure first and will have 1 level of the other spells.
Now, you are facing a random hero alone and he will not do anything, start using all your spells.
Regular ES player:
Echo Slam dmg: 200
fissure dmg: 275
E.totem dmg: regular attack
Aftershock dmg: 75 (25 for each spell)
Total dmg: 550+1 regular attack
My guide´s skill build:
Echo Slam dmg: 200
Fissure dmg: 125
E. totem dmg: regular attack
Aftershock dmg: 345(115 for each spell)
Total dmg: 670+1 regular attackSee the difference? You maybe think:"naa, no big deal it´s not a lot, not worth it". Well now lets see the stun duration.
Regular ES player:
Echo Slam stun: 0
Fissure stun: 1.75
E. Totem stun: 0
Aftershock stun: 0.9(0.3 each spell)
Total stun: 2.65 sec
My guide´s skill build:
Echo Slam stun: 0
Fissure stun: 1
E. Totem stun: 0
Aftershock stun:4.5(1.5 each spell)
Total stun: 4.5 sec
(Fissures stun wont count since aftershocks stun takes effect at the same time T^T)
Now I hope you are not thinking like before at this point, but if you are not buying it, let´s compare the mana cost.
Regular ES player:
Echo Slam mp cost: 145
Fissure mp cost: 170
E. Totem mp cost: 50
Total mp cost: 365
My guide´s skill build:
Echo slam mp cost: 145
Fissure mp cost: 125
E. Totem mp cost: 50
Total mp cost: 320
I really want to know if you guys got my point , if you still think like any other player in Garena, RGC or any other DotA platform, there´s no point to keep reading because as i said it before, the point of this guide was to share my skill build. But as you already know, nothing is perfect, this will work in a close combat, this means you have to be close to land those 5.5 sec stun (300 aoe), besides, if you are going to use your fissure to kill a fleeing hero, you will make more damage and stun for a longer duration with the regular player skill build. It´s up to you, either pick the 5.5 sec stun (where you and your allies can kill easily every hero trapped by the aftershock) or kill 1 fleeing hero.
He´s a strength hero who depends on mana so what are you gonna get? mana items, good, now that we made that clear, let´s continue:
Starting Items:
- 1 Tango
- 2 Clarity Potions
- 3 GG branches
- 1 Salve
- 1 Tango
- 2 Clarity Potions
- 1 Salve
- 1 Recipe for Soul Ring
- 2 Tango
- 2 Clarity Potions
- 2 Mantles
Item justification:
Get the first starting items if you see spellcasters in the other team so you can upgrade to a magic wand. The second one is maybe the best one because it gives you both mana and hp regen for a low cost and the sacrifice ability in cases you are out of mana. The third one is my favorite because i got a little trick which i want to share with you guys, time for some math:
Let´s say you have a lvl 1 ES with 208 mp, now add 6 int from the mantles that gives you 286 mp. Now you used your fissure twice (-250 mp) that leaves you 36 mp, go out of the enemy sight of range, drop your mantles, this will reduce your max mp to 208 and your current mp to 30 aprox. Now use 1 C. potion, if we dont count its own mana reg in 30 sec, you will have 130/208 mp, thats 65% of max mp, now pick those 2 mantles you dropped, that will add 78 mp to your max mp, the 65% of 286 is 185 aprox. this means you got 55 mana free! this maybe a little confusing but try it do the math and you will see the difference.

Raigor needs dagger, everybody knows that, get it asap because your main problem is positioning, a good ES cant do anything if hes not in the middle of the battle alive. They won´t let you get in.
Aghanim´s Scepter: Since last changes, AS can be used by ES now, if you guys don´t understand how it works i´ll tell you: each hero counts as 2 echo damages, that means there´s and extra 140 damage for each hero.
Shivas Guard:
This will help you a lot against dpsers, the mana boost is great. It sinergyies really good with your spell combo(remember, aftershock wont be activated with items)
Get it if you find a dps/nuker hero(sf). giving you mana and hp, its a very common pick on ES.
Force Staff:This item is really fun to play with, it works as a small blink to yourself and can be use to help allies scape or doom any enemy hero.
Black King Bar:
You are going to blink in the battle and stun as soon as possible trying to hit every hero near, no need to get avatar for that.
Lothar´s Edge:
Although lothars can be use to position ES, this item is rejected because it can be easily counter with dust or wards. The damage and bonus damage is wasted because you are going to cast asap and you only hit once in every combo.Refresher Orb:
Since lasts changes, corpses now doesnt deal echo damage so it´s pretty useless.
Mana supporters:

He needs a lot of mana, a good mana partner will help you "spam" your stuns
Special cases:

consider it as a free blink.

He places them together , you ult.

Fatal Bonds+ES combo= team rape
Mana Burners:
Don´t let this guys aim you or you won´t be able to use any spell.Silencers:
Nothing you can do here.
Special cases:
Magic inmunity.
No damage at all(if fat).
Wait until he uses it, then blink in.
Easy food:
they so easy to kill but be careful, if you didnt kill them with your combo(maybe they are really fat or you screwed it) you are dead.