Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.55 / 0.55
Damage: 57 - 61
Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.3
Armor: 5.52
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 295
Range: 128 (melee)
Sight Range: 1200 / 1800
Strength Hero
Hero's intro:-
You had better try to take advantage of the daylight while you can since come nightfall, you will have a powerful and adept hunter on the prowl. Balanar's passive Hunter in the Night increases his movespeed and attackspeed at night making him a feared ganker and chaser. His Void spell damages the target and slows them to a crawl allowing Balanar and his allies to deal great amounts of damage when cast during nighttime. Crippling fear is a powerful weapon against spellcasters and fighters alike as it both silences and causes a large chance of missing on physical attacks for its duration. Balanar's ultimate "Darkness" allows him to instantly transform day into night (or prolong the night), providing for the fullest effect of his other spells. However, nobody fears the Nightstalker during the day.Dreadlord is vulnerable only in sunlight and at night noone can even touch dreadlord.
Background story:-
Beware, you who wander the night. Each step you take leads you deeper in the hideous reign of the horrible ruler of the dark. Balanar, elite dreadlord who brought the total darkness of the Nether into this world, haunts these regions. Your heart will pump harder, your legs will shake, and your mind will cloud as the presence of the stalker hunts you in the dark. There's no chance to fight, no way to run, and no place to hide - darkness is everywhere! You can pray, you can cry, but the darkness won't be stopped - until you die.
Skill Introduction:-
1.Void:-Creates a damaging void. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds. If cast at day, slows the target for 2 seconds.
Duration:8 seconds
1.Provides a good slow with low cooldown at night time balanar can easily get a kill with this skill so max this skill first with Darkness.
2.Can be used to harass enemy.
3.Slows attack speed by 35% and movement speed by 50%.
4.It also contains a ministun and hence can be used to cancel channeling and enemies teleport.
2.Crippling Fear:-In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells. This has reduced effect during the day.
Mana cost:90
Cooldown:12 seconds
Effect:Miss on 40% of attacks
Silence:5/6/7/8 seconds at nighttime
1.Can be used to silence disablers like lion rhasta and easily kill them or to silence and disable dps heroes like troll,void so that they miss on their attacks.
2.Causes 10% miss and silences for 3 seconds at all levels during
3.Hunter in the night:-The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.
Level 1:25% movement and 45% attack speed.
Level 2:30% movement and 55% attack speed.
Level 3:35% movement and 65% attack speed.
Level 4:40% movement and 75% attack speed.
Note:-Only works in night nightstalker is vulnerable in sunlight.
Thats how Balanar looks at night
4.Darkness:-Creates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.
Mana cost:0
Duration:25/50/80 seconds
Effect:Turns day into night
1.This skill pauses the current time.
2.With Aghanim's Scepter the Night Stalker will get unobstructed vision at night, meaning that trees and terrain will not block his vision.
3.Makes Balanar again Godlike :D
Item Build:-
Early Game:-
1.Gauntlet of strengthx2
1.Power treads
2.Urn of shadow
4.Sange and Yasha

1.Heart of Tarrasque
2.Black king bar
3.Aghanim's Scepter
Why this item build??
I usually make urn of shadow first as balanar will get kills easily and will need to heal himself and cast debuff on fleeing enemies to get a kill.With Basher and Night balanar with Super fast attack speed can F*** the s**t out of the enemy.And get bkb if getting stunner silenced as if the team is having multiple stunners.Sange and Yasha is a very good item for the hero.Scepter provides unobstructed vision all the time.Get heart just in case you are bored :p.
Skill Build:-
2.Hunter in the night
4.Hunter in the night
8.Hunter in the night
9.Crippling fear
10.Hunter in the night
12.Crippling fear
13.Crippling fear
14.Crippling fear
17-25 Stats
Why this skill build?
Void is taken first to get a slow and to harass enemy or even last hit creeps.Hunter in the night is taken second so that you get full advantage of movement speed and attack speed when sunsets.At level 6 Darkness is taken so that you can gank heroes easily.Level 1 of crippling fear is also good to silence casters and to kill them without any problem.I hope you agree with my skill build still if you got any intresting alternate skill build or item build i will really like to post on my blog you can contact me on my email or post a comment.
Good Alies
As with all other heroes, the best allies of Balanar are the disablers such as

or slowers such as

Basically, any heroes that slow / disable / stun the enemies are good allies. For Balanar, allies are not such a big deal, as the Void -> Hit -> Void combo can often net you a kill.
4.3 Worst Enemies
What matter to Balanar is more often the enemies. Bad enemies are usually enemies that you will have trouble killing when 1v1 against them. Apart from the obvious disablers, i.e all heroes with stuns, voodoo and other whatnots, there are a few heroes that deserves special mention, as listed below:

This bad-ass deserves special mention as Balanar cannot kill him on a square 1v1 match, even during the early games. 2 voids does not get you anywhere with his life, and his Berserker's Call + Culling Blade combo is sure to give you a hard time, if not kill you. Don't go near this guy without an ally, even during night.
These 2 can give you a hard time killing them, due to their sheer amount of health.
I can't think of any other heroes that can give Balanar more of a hard time than Axe, save for a well farmed Faceless Void and Troll Warlord. But then again, these two need to be well farmed, thus, not a problem as you can pawn them many times during mid game.
Please post comment how you like my guide and what changes should i do to make it better.
Thank You
(GiS_GoDz) Garena username
You can add me if you want to learn this hero im always free.
1.Provides a good slow with low cooldown at night time balanar can easily get a kill with this skill so max this skill first with Darkness.
2.Can be used to harass enemy.
3.Slows attack speed by 35% and movement speed by 50%.
4.It also contains a ministun and hence can be used to cancel channeling and enemies teleport.
2.Crippling Fear:-In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells. This has reduced effect during the day.
Mana cost:90
Cooldown:12 seconds
Effect:Miss on 40% of attacks
Silence:5/6/7/8 seconds at nighttime
1.Can be used to silence disablers like lion rhasta and easily kill them or to silence and disable dps heroes like troll,void so that they miss on their attacks.
2.Causes 10% miss and silences for 3 seconds at all levels during
![]() |
How the skill looks |
Level 1:25% movement and 45% attack speed.
Level 2:30% movement and 55% attack speed.
Level 3:35% movement and 65% attack speed.
Level 4:40% movement and 75% attack speed.
Note:-Only works in night nightstalker is vulnerable in sunlight.
Thats how Balanar looks at night
![]() |
Balanar At Night |
4.Darkness:-Creates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.
Mana cost:0
Duration:25/50/80 seconds
Effect:Turns day into night
1.This skill pauses the current time.
2.With Aghanim's Scepter the Night Stalker will get unobstructed vision at night, meaning that trees and terrain will not block his vision.
3.Makes Balanar again Godlike :D
Item Build:-
Early Game:-
1.Gauntlet of strengthx2
1.Power treads
2.Urn of shadow
4.Sange and Yasha
1.Heart of Tarrasque
2.Black king bar
3.Aghanim's Scepter
Why this item build??
I usually make urn of shadow first as balanar will get kills easily and will need to heal himself and cast debuff on fleeing enemies to get a kill.With Basher and Night balanar with Super fast attack speed can F*** the s**t out of the enemy.And get bkb if getting stunner silenced as if the team is having multiple stunners.Sange and Yasha is a very good item for the hero.Scepter provides unobstructed vision all the time.Get heart just in case you are bored :p.
Skill Build:-
2.Hunter in the night
4.Hunter in the night
8.Hunter in the night
9.Crippling fear
10.Hunter in the night
12.Crippling fear
13.Crippling fear
14.Crippling fear
17-25 Stats
Why this skill build?
Void is taken first to get a slow and to harass enemy or even last hit creeps.Hunter in the night is taken second so that you get full advantage of movement speed and attack speed when sunsets.At level 6 Darkness is taken so that you can gank heroes easily.Level 1 of crippling fear is also good to silence casters and to kill them without any problem.I hope you agree with my skill build still if you got any intresting alternate skill build or item build i will really like to post on my blog you can contact me on my email or post a comment.
Good Alies
As with all other heroes, the best allies of Balanar are the disablers such as
or slowers such as
Basically, any heroes that slow / disable / stun the enemies are good allies. For Balanar, allies are not such a big deal, as the Void -> Hit -> Void combo can often net you a kill.
4.3 Worst Enemies
What matter to Balanar is more often the enemies. Bad enemies are usually enemies that you will have trouble killing when 1v1 against them. Apart from the obvious disablers, i.e all heroes with stuns, voodoo and other whatnots, there are a few heroes that deserves special mention, as listed below:
This bad-ass deserves special mention as Balanar cannot kill him on a square 1v1 match, even during the early games. 2 voids does not get you anywhere with his life, and his Berserker's Call + Culling Blade combo is sure to give you a hard time, if not kill you. Don't go near this guy without an ally, even during night.
These 2 can give you a hard time killing them, due to their sheer amount of health.
I can't think of any other heroes that can give Balanar more of a hard time than Axe, save for a well farmed Faceless Void and Troll Warlord. But then again, these two need to be well farmed, thus, not a problem as you can pawn them many times during mid game.
Please post comment how you like my guide and what changes should i do to make it better.
Thank You
(GiS_GoDz) Garena username
You can add me if you want to learn this hero im always free.
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