Anti-mage -Dota Guide
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Anti Mage |
Str: 20 + 1.2
Agi: 22 + 2.8 (Primary attribute)
Int: 15 + 1.8
Attack Animation:0.3 / 0.6
Damage:49 - 53
Casting Animation:0.3 / 0.47
Base Attack Time:1.45
Missile Speed:Instant
Attack Range:128 (melee)
Sight Range:1800 / 800
Magina wasn't nicknamed the Anti-Mage for no reason. His passive Mana Break attack allows him to deal extra damage and cripple a caster's mana supply. With a great understanding of the spiritual realm, he becomes more resilient against magical attacks using his Spell Shield, along with the ability to Blink across short distances for superb maneuverability. Seeking out weary casters, he uses Mana Void to inflict immense damage for high amounts of missing mana. Although he will be at a natural disadvantage to casters early on, as his powers grow, there is none better suited for bringing the greatest of spell casters down to their knees.
Twin sons to the great Prophet, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers: Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina's eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light itself. Now, broken by Terrorblade's fall to the dark side, Magina answers the Sentinel's call in a desperate bid to redeem his brother. Every bitter strike turns the Scourge's evil essences upon themselves, culminating in a finale that forces his enemy to awaken to the void within and spontaneously implode.
+ Lowest B.A.T in the game, meaning an excellent last-hitting animation and an excellent innate attack speed.
+ Second best MS of the game - 315 - second only to Chaos Knight's 325.
+ Huge mobility, and the best escape mechanism of the game: Blink.
+ Good damage, excellent with Mana break.
+ Good lane control with Mana Break.
+ Casters are pure food with Mana Break and Mana Void.
+ Principal counter to Medusa, the arguably best tank-carry of the game.
+ Nukes are nothing to magina thanks to Spell Shield.
- Third lowest health in the game. Second least strength gain (after slark) in the list of meele heroes
- Silence completly screws his mobility and escape tool
- Rather weak mid game, where the most important fights occur
- Easily outcarried by real carries ala Void, Destroyer, troll and Mortred etc
- No farming tool
- Situational pick which is countered on armor-based lineups(think of Slardar, Dazzle, Venge, Tide and Lanaya)
- He is blind.
Mana Break:
Each attack burns mana based on skill level.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Casting Range: N/A
Area of Effect: N/A
Duration: N/A
Allowed Targets: Enemy units with mana pool
Effects: Burns 16/32/48/64 mana per hit.
• Damage type: normal
• Deals 0.6 damage per point of mana burnt.
• Mana Burn is blocked by magic immunity.
• This skill is an Orb Effect.
• You can lifeleech the damage dealt by this skill with a Lifesteal aura.
Short distance teleportation that allows one to move in and out of combat.
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12/9/7/5
Casting Range: Global
Area of Effect: N/A
Duration: N/A
Allowed Targets: N/A
Effects: 200 - 1000/1075/1150 Range Teleportation
• If you used Blink to teleport to a distance over the maximum range, you'll be teleported 4/5 of the maximum range instead.
• You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles.
• Blink has a 0.4 seconds teleportation delay.

Spell Shield:
Magina learns to protect himself with an anti-magic shield. Increases his resistance to magic damage
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Casting Range: N/A
Area of Effect: N/A
Duration: N/A
Allowed Targets: Self
Effects: Reduces magic damage by 10/20/30/40%
• Stacks with spell resistance items.
Mana Void:
Creates a powerful void in an enemy unit caused by a lack of mana. For each mana point missing, the unit takes damage.
Mana Cost: 125/200/275
Cooldown: 120/100/80
Casting Range: 600
Area of Effect: 325
Duration: 0.1/0.2/0.3
Allowed Targets: Enemy units with mana pool
Effects: Deals 0.6/0.85/1.1 damage per mana point missing
• Damage type: magical
• Stuns target for a short while.
• Damage is calculated based on the primary target's mana, but applied to all enemies within the AoE.
• Stun works on magic immune units.
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Skill look |
1. Blink2. Mana Break
3. Mana Break/Blink
4. Blink/Mana Break
5. Mana Break/Blink
6. Mana Void
7. Mana Break/Blink
8. Blink/Mana Break
9. Blink/Mana Break
10. Spell Shield
11. Mana Void
12. Spell Shield
13. Spell Shield
14. Spell Shield
15. Stats
16. Mana Void
Just farm ,farm and farm. You will usually come out to kill at around mid to late game if there's a tofu intelligence hero like tormented soul. You can participate in ganks but avoid dying. So mostly just avoid being harrased and farm. You can start coming out to kill when you get your basher,which is around level 17 or so. I usually take top or bottom lane,hopefully with a ranged hero as my partner.
Just farm ,farm and farm. You will usually come out to kill at around mid to late game if there's a tofu intelligence hero like tormented soul. You can participate in ganks but avoid dying. So mostly just avoid being harrased and farm. You can start coming out to kill when you get your basher,which is around level 17 or so. I usually take top or bottom lane,hopefully with a ranged hero as my partner.
Factors to keep in mind when playing magina+ remeber the title of this guide. Quicly Now, what ever you are onto, be quick. you cannot afford to be lazy. killing, ganking or chasing. be on your toes. If you notice hard, magina even runs on his toes
+ You need to have a good control on mouse and keyboard.
+ never underestimate break, its damage early to mid game is exceptional
+ your main skill is break, break is on every attack so give him IAS.
+ glass canon, he is very fragile, and some times one stun is all that is needed for the other team to bring you down
+ play cleverly, early use blink to either last hit an enemy or escape, dnt spam it as it has a high cool down early on
+ if you are facing spell casters or spammers, having level one blink is enough and max your shield aftr maxing break.
+know your enemies better
+ if you are double minded to go for attack speed, raw damage or crits, go for attack speed.
+ save your ultimate never use it at the start of a battle , as it would keep the enemy double minded as they wont want to get rid of their mana on spells and get hit with your void
+ no matter he has a low HP, magina's presence in a team is threatning because of his abilities related to mana, casters would always be weary of casting spells in your presence.
when you start a game, its pretty common to recieve a certificate of selfishness from team mate, you have no disable no tanking and not stun to help a friend in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed. but here you are the friend in need of farming, so the sacrifices made by your commarades should be apreciated :P and return the favour when you farm enough.
Before moving forward you need to keep in mind, that the max potential for the anti mage is early to mid game, very late game his main skill the mana burn has little effect as enemy heroes are made and they have ample items, if you cannot utilize the early to mid game period, anti is no good. he is NOT a carry like mortred or troll. u need to be in the battle zone since early on to make up your items, NEVER EVER EVER waste his early and mid game potential.
+ You need to have a good control on mouse and keyboard.
+ never underestimate break, its damage early to mid game is exceptional
+ your main skill is break, break is on every attack so give him IAS.
+ glass canon, he is very fragile, and some times one stun is all that is needed for the other team to bring you down
+ play cleverly, early use blink to either last hit an enemy or escape, dnt spam it as it has a high cool down early on
+ if you are facing spell casters or spammers, having level one blink is enough and max your shield aftr maxing break.
+know your enemies better
+ if you are double minded to go for attack speed, raw damage or crits, go for attack speed.
+ save your ultimate never use it at the start of a battle , as it would keep the enemy double minded as they wont want to get rid of their mana on spells and get hit with your void
+ no matter he has a low HP, magina's presence in a team is threatning because of his abilities related to mana, casters would always be weary of casting spells in your presence.
when you start a game, its pretty common to recieve a certificate of selfishness from team mate, you have no disable no tanking and not stun to help a friend in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed. but here you are the friend in need of farming, so the sacrifices made by your commarades should be apreciated :P and return the favour when you farm enough.
Before moving forward you need to keep in mind, that the max potential for the anti mage is early to mid game, very late game his main skill the mana burn has little effect as enemy heroes are made and they have ample items, if you cannot utilize the early to mid game period, anti is no good. he is NOT a carry like mortred or troll. u need to be in the battle zone since early on to make up your items, NEVER EVER EVER waste his early and mid game potential.
1.vladmir's offering
4.power treads
5.cranium basher
1.vladmir's offering
4.power treads
5.cranium basher
Reasons for my item build
when you on your mantastyle, people don't know who to hex/stun. Plus you burn 192 when the all images(including you) hit the enemy,and usually all my images do at least 3 hits and the mana burn that it causes is 576,so mantastyle is very good against intelligence heroes.
i make it because it does not interfere with magina's mana burn,gives a little bit of health regeneration as well as mana regeneration to help you survive during early game and a damage and armor aura,making your damage higher and you harder to kill because of armor bonus
battlefury gives you even more health regeneration and mana regeneration.not only that,it also gives you damage and the ability for your attacks to splash. Battlefury helps you farm easier and survive longer.
it highers your attackspeed,making you able to bash more.and most abviously,it highers your movement speed.
allows you to bash,giving you a disble,which magina does not have,unless you cound his ulti which does a mini stun.
Enemies miss when they hit you,u have higher attackspeed, again making you able to bash more
Item Build
before i start i would like to say that since magina is a very late hero,you shouldn't come out to kill until you a reasonably late time in the game.well,it also kinda depends on how fat you are and how thin the enemy is.
before i start i would like to say that since magina is a very late hero,you shouldn't come out to kill until you a reasonably late time in the game.well,it also kinda depends on how fat you are and how thin the enemy is.
Core Items
Luxury itemsUnfortunately, you only have one slot for a luxury item,so choose wisely
Optional items
Rejected items
Allies & EnemiesAlliesmagina can be allies with almost anyone,but there are a special few that i 'd like to point out
.keeper of the light has a skill much like bloodseeker's ulti(rupture) only it doesn't damages you,it's called mana leak,it makes your enemy leak mana as they move(you see where i'm going with this?)this skill is a very good combo with magina's ulti.
you move,you don't move.....well,you still die
Enemiesmagina doesn't have many enemies that can prove treat towards him because he can buy a linken for hex-ers and a BKB for stunners.but in early game,almost everyone is a dangerous enemy,so becareful as you might have your BKB/linken sphere and items then
Super slowers
Bashersthis is one of the most dangerous categories,they can bash you first so you don't bash them:
any agility hero with a fast attack speed and a cranium basher or a natural bashing ability
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