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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Oracle - GG Unbalanced Hero


Hero Intro:

Few have the knack for plucking the strings of fate, let alone seeing them for what they are. Fate is as mysterious as it is fickle, but for Nerif it has always been a burden. Those chosen must answer the call, and since boyhood he has been raised into the hallowed role of Oracle, proclaiming destiny's path to those worthy to hear of it. Though many of his ilk have chosen more peaceful routes to serving fate, he never felt that the future must be passively proclaimed. With the view of fate before him, his powers were suited by nudging and pulling threads and, where needed, severing them to better the life of all. It was inevitable that his abilities would culminate in deadly battle - he knew would come to pass, and he is ready to cut lives short to lengthen others.

Skill Information:
Fortune's End

Channels Nerif's power into a bolt of scouring energy for up to 3 seconds. When released the bolt strikes the targeted enemy, dealing damage and purging in an AoE around them. The purge duration is equal to the time spent channeling.

Fate's Edict

Nerif enraptures the target, rendering them unable to attack, granting them 100% spell resistance, and increasing the damage they take from other damage types by 50%. Can be cast on both allies and enemies.

Purifying Flames

Burns away impurities from the target, dealing heavy damage and causing them to regenerate life each second for 9 seconds. Can be cast on both allies and enemies.

False Promise

Temporarily alters the target ally's destiny, delaying all damage, healing and regeneration effects on them until False Promise ends. Ally is granted invisibility while attacking and moving. Removes all negative status effects when applied.
Skill Build:
Nerif the Oracle Skill Build
1. Fortune's End
2. Fate's Edict/Purifying Flames
3. Purifying Flames
4. Purifying Flames/Fate's Edict
5. Purifying Flames
6. False Promise
7. Purifying Flames
8. Fortune's End
9. Fortune's End
10. Fortune's End
11. False Promise
12. Fate's Edict
13. Fate's Edict
14. Fate's Edict
15. Stats
16. False Promise
17-25. Stats

Item Build:

Early Game
1.Ironwood branch
2.Soul Ring
Core Item
1.Arcane boots or pt
2.Force staff or Euls or Blink Dagger
1.Guinsoo sythe or Orchid malovelence
2.Shivas Guard
3.Boot of Travel

Skill Build:

More information will be added soon on this gg hero

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Am Sexy And I Know It

Rylai-Crystal Maiden

Level 1 Stats:

Level 25 Stats:

Hero Intro:
The Crystal Maiden is a powerful disabler and support spellcaster. Each of her offensive spells impairs the target in some way, making her a valuable addition to any lineup. Crystal Nova allows her to blast multiple enemies with chilling damage, and Frostbite completely stops a single target enemy from moving for several seconds. Freezing Field causes immense damage and slows everything in a large area around Rylai, but her natural fragility makes it a difficult spell to use to its full effect. Despite the usefulness of all of her spells to her allies, perhaps her greatest asset to her team is Brilliance Aura. This aura gives all allies across the map a significant boost to their mana regeneration, giving them plenty of energy to use their own spells no matter where they are. Although she tends to take on a supportive role, the Crystal Maiden is still one of the most valuable heroes for any team.

Adept in the manipulation of frost and ice, Rylai is the very image of elegeance and grace. Trained by a renegade wizard deep in the heart of Winterspring, Rylai brings to the Sentinel her prowess in the arts of magic. With a vast arsenal of spells, she wreaks havoc upon her foes - be it with powerful blasts of frost to send them fleeing in panic, or be it by rendering them immobile in ice. Her foes tremble in fear as the ground beneath implodes in mighty novas of frost in a dazzling array, obliterating all who dare oppose her.

Skill Information:-
1.Crystal Nova:
Crystal Nova

Skill Look:-
skill look
Skill look:-
3.Brillance Aura:
Skill Look:-

see at footsteps
4.Freezing Field:

Freezing Field
Skill look

Item Build:-

why this item build???
Start your early game with ironwood branchesx3,tango,clarity,salve,magic stick or courier.Core item for rylai will be phase boots or bot,blink dagger or lothars,mekanasm.Luxuary item including scepter which provides great damage,shivas guard to freeze enemy before starting your ultimate skill.

Phase boot or boot of travel?
I generally prefer phase  boot at early game and thank blink dagger cause phase boots active speed skill provides you enough movement speed to run in and out of battle.BoT is a must but at 30-34 mins of the game.
Dagger or Lothar Edge?
According to me dagger is the best choice for initiating your ulti as lothars can be coutnered by gem.dust,ward so better make dagger and own the game.

More info will be added soon

Monday, July 1, 2013

BesT HerO Poll

Which one is your best Hero and why post in comment we will write guide on that hero or you can share guide with us????

a>Troll Warlord